
Our staff’s goal is to provide an experience that make you want to call 124 “your” public house.

Public House 124 in Walla Walla, Washington, opened its doors in 2011, but its roots trace back to a vision of creating a gathering place where locals and visitors could come together to enjoy great food, drinks, and company.

Situated in a historic building on 124 E. Main Street, the establishment underwent a thoughtful renovation to preserve its heritage while infusing it with modern comforts and style. The result is a welcoming and cozy atmosphere that invites patrons to linger and unwind.

From the moment you step inside Public House 124, you’re greeted by the aroma of delicious food wafting from the kitchen and the buzz of lively conversation. The decor blends rustic charm with contemporary touches, creating a space that feels both timeless and trendy.

One of the defining features of Public House 124 is its impressive selection of craft beers, wines, and cocktails. Whether you’re a beer aficionado eager to sample local brews or a wine connoisseur looking to explore the region’s vineyards, you’ll find something to tempt your palate on the extensive drink menu.

But Public House 124 is more than just a place to enjoy great drinks. It’s a community hub where friends gather to catch up over a casual meal, couples enjoy date nights by candlelight, and travelers find a warm welcome after a long day on the road.

Over the years, Public House 124 has played host to countless memorable moments and stories. From spontaneous sing-alongs led by talented local musicians to impromptu celebrations of birthdays and milestones, every visit to the bar is an opportunity to create new memories.

One particularly fondly remembered event is the annual Ribowski, an off site event where locals vie for bragging rights and the title of best ribs in town. The competition is fierce, but the camaraderie among participants and spectators alike is what truly makes the event special. All of which stems from the regulars and locals of Public House 124. 

Whether you’re a regular patron or a first-time visitor, stepping into Public House 124 feels like coming home. It’s a place where everyone is welcome, and where every visit promises a new adventure or a familiar comfort.